Safe T Cert

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In December 2024, Substruck was awarded Grade A status in the Safe T Cert Management System for the ninth consecutive year. Safe T Cert is a certification scheme designed for certifying the Safety Management Systems of contractors working in the construction industry. The Scheme’s objective is to improve health and safety management by providing objective standards and certifying those contractors whose safety management systems have been assessed; the A grade only being awarded to the top 10% of Irish contractors.

At Substruck, safety, health and well-being is an integral part of each job and this award demonstrates this. The annual audit helps us to identify areas which need improvement and provides us with a set of targets to be implemented prior to the next audit. This keeps us on our toes and moving in the right direction.

For 2025, we plan on concentrating on the following five areas:

  • continuation of mental health initiatives and raising awareness,
  • improved application of the hierarchy of control for vibration,
  • frequency of site inspections and toolbox talks with the setting out of minimum requirements,
  • incident and defect recording for all aspects of our work and
  • housekeeping at our offices and warehouse facilities in Little Island.

A huge positive for 2024 for the roll out of health surveillance to all employees.