Grouting has many different applications as identified in EN 12715:2000 Execution of Special Geotechnical Work – Grouting. Works completed by Substruck Ltd. are one or a combination of the many procedures where the introduction of cement grout is required either with or without displacement of the ground, depending on the nature of the host medium and the desired result. Pressure Grouting or ground improvement in loose permeable soils on houses suffering from subsidence is the most common procedure.
And one of these procedures now include grouting up of badger setts. This was the most unusual application of our plant since we commenced trading in 2003 where we were employed by Roscommon County Council to grout up a series of vacated badger setts to facilitate infrastructure upgrades. Works had to be completed on quick notice to prevent the return of the badgers.
Five entrances to the setts were sealed simply with concrete and UPVC pipe to create a head and allow for ventilation. Grout was introduced by filling through the pipe from our colloidal mixer / pump unit. All works were overseen by an ecologist from an environmental consultancy firm employed by the Local Authority and no badgers were harmed during the works.